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the amount of detail is mind blowing... im going to take it you used textures for the chair and wood effects?... i love how you paint your shiney areas so well... its really nice and well done... the linework is pritty flawless... just a few points...

the dragon looks like its glowing but theres no lighting on her face or hand...
the chair legs *the one at the back* isnt making any shadows onto the floor and looks like the whole image has just been dropped onto the background...
possibly dull down some of the items on the table... so they dont look so refined like you have donewith the books underneath...
it would have been nice if the picture in the fame was something you did... *i think you didnt anyway :3, could be wrong*
as always in your work there seems to be little hickups... but nothing that cant be fixed... a few more been the texture just peeps out of the linework behind the chair and possibly a few more shadows where required...

i really like the "mood" in this picture... the hue of the light is lovely...
another fantastic work!!!

Sabtastic responds:

Oh man. lol I'm definitely going to have to fix those little details at some point before I print this. D:

You've got a good eye for detail, man! Thanks for the critique!! :D
Will repost eventually.

Not bad...

iv seen what people can do with these thing... and even done so myself... i think the idea works well... however beacuse its a very simple design you really want the brush strokes to not stand out so much... so posibly using a more watered down paint would take more time but create a better finished product... also some of the black linework could have been a bit cleaner and smooth... take the shirts sleaves for example... blood splatters are cartoony which is cool... but i dont understand why you did them with two colours and not just keep the one...

PS: i like the brain-bin :D

i saw this via facebook

and no other words apart from "Epic master piece" can describe this...

i like it apart from...

the thing that lets it down the most is the eyes on that ape... they seem to bright and strange... also the whole apes face seems odd... that said... everything else i love, i really like the detail put into the grass and leaf patterns around the picture... the girl herself is done to your high standards... so im giving you 9/10 due to the problems with the ape... love the rest of it :3

lovely colours!

the linework is flawlessly perfect!, and im completely overwhelmed by the awsome colours and tones... i cant find many flaws with this pictures... for example i feel that the "clips" on her straps could use with a little something, but its still good as it stands, also her face seems very pointy... but thats your style... might want to make some of the tones darker in shaded areas, such as the cloth inside her top been a tad darker... im completely in love with them eyes... perefect!...

StellaLunaChan responds:

Thank you <3


this one looks really rushed... the linework isnt bad, but you can see some of your workings on the brances and leave behind her, i think the stars arnt carried on underneath the brance... the colouring is good... i like how the shades mix in extreamly well and give you that cool, cold night theme and feel... her hands look really small... or her head is really big compaired to the rest of her... also i have to agree with shinobi-hunter about the hair... it seems really strange, i know your trying to get the pespective right but i felt it stood out like a thorn, also her eyes are really piercing which i feel was nice with how it still stands out while fading into the darker area of the picture, your getting an 8 beacuse i really do like the colours and colouring... but i fell you rushed this or just got fead up with it, so im going to mark you down due to the fact that this isnt the best work from you... i was a bit disapointed but still, i really love the colours, but i felt the linework let you down.... sorry sabs :(

Sabtastic responds:

Hehe - can't sneak these past you, huh? ;P

Yeah, this is one of my quicker works. Originally, I was thinking of not submitting this at all, because it was one of those 'experiment' type pics. It was a really rough sketch, so I thought i'd try out a new technique or two while quickly colouring it.

Mostly I just tried screwing around with gradient coloring and glow effects.

Thanks for the review, as usual~!!
I think 8 is still plenty generous. ;D Even your "disappointed" reviews are super nice! :3

if Joe and cakes had babies

that were superheros... they would look like that... love how you managed to gather both artists style... roll them up and squish them out onto the screen like that... while also adding your own personal touch... love it lots!!!... keep up the fantastic work sab's... :D

Sabtastic responds:

Awh, you flatter me. XD


dont mind if i do :D

fantastic!!!... complete with handelbars!... now

of course this needs a bit of a tidy up but thats beacuse its a sketch... the theme carried throughout the whole picture, some lovely sweeping curves and funky pointy bits... got everything so right with so little lines and tones... i can not praise your work enough... i just love looking at the doodles you create!...

BizarroJoe responds:

I was going for something happy and cheerful and <3.
These are not exatcly "sketches"... This is how I draw using paper, pencil, a sharpie and a grey marker. And as I told in the previous picture, they are small, so when blown up like this they don't really look that good... And look at some of the stars... That's my wrist telling me "stop NOW"...
Anyway, I must say that If I should do a comic, that's probably how would it look like. And fortunately, I'm starting to feel good with this media, so who knows... I'd like to show a bit storytelling...
I'd wish Newgrounds had some type of "folders" to arrange your pictures... Maybe we could suggest that to Bob (Or whoever responsible.).
Oh! I forgot:
I can ride my bike with no handlebars... No handlebars... No handlebars...
I can ride my bike with no handlebars... No handlebars... No handlebars...

Really like this...

starting with the background... the theme and idea is fantasticly well done... i love how the honeycomb shape blends in... as for the girl... i cant recall what game she is from... but the linework is so sleek and flawless... the colours are flawlessly well done... you got the shine effects spot, and the shading is awsome!, and just to show off you went and did some glass as well... glass is one of them really hard things to make look right... and you got it in one... just a few things however... i feel that her eyes are slightly cross eyed.. and the shading might be a tad out on her right eye.. also the antenna nearest the crown might look better if it was moved to the other side to mimic the other one... i hope that makes sence... theres some little bits and pieces that could use with some tidying up... but overall... a fantastic piece!

NOW: Drawing and Painting

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