Level reference page
Offical talk / wip thread
here you can find the most uptodate list of aproved artists in the collab... along with avalible levels and information regarding issues with peoples work and missing information... please take your time to read through this carefully...
this was started by denzel-crocker, but at the moment he is unable to put 100% into it as he is having problems in the real world... see tom's post about it here for more information... so i have been instructed to take charge off it... if you would like to change any information or update your status... leave a comment or post me a PM...
Rules: Nudity is fine but dont be silly, only one level per picture, top quality work only, no "dibs" system... the best looking version of the levels gets through and if the other one is just as good gets turned into an easteregg...
now... for the lists!
these are the chosen pictures to make it into the collab
Level - Aura - Picture - Arist name
01 - neutral - snowman - snowman
02 - dark - Charles - JKAmovies
03 - evil - Masochistic Massakerer - TheRealShadman
04 - light - boxer - bizarrojoe / legolaSS
05 - neutral - FatGuy - M-Vero
06 - fab - Musia - Raven-Night
07 - light - tankgirl - denzel-crocker
08 - light - tankgirl - beaskid7
09 - evil - boxer - killingtree
10 - fab - thunder smack jack - hound-of-soundwave
11 - light - NG tank keyring - Snowman
12 - light - Mad captain - Angelus-Mortis
13 - light - *no name* - THEANTIFULP
14 - dark - zombie tankman - denzel-crocker
15 - evil - This Rose Has Thorns - Aigis
16 - fab - ninja tankman - denzel-crocker
17 - neutral - Baseball Barbarian - b0em
18 - neutral - (n/a) - redminus
19 - evil - kunoichi tankwoman - denzel-crocker
20 - dark - Mandi - Raven-Night
21 - fab - "ED" Horror from Beyond or something equally pretentious. - sucho
22 - evil - alien hominid - decoy71
23 - neutral - Holzhacker - Angelus-Mortis
24 - fab - Harold - TurkeyOnAStick
25 - neutral - nin-chuck nerd - beastkid7
26 - neutral - Matilda - pickletoez
27 - dark - Sakura - TaraGraphics
28 - evil - Dad n Me (fanart) - XxCrazydudexX
29 - fab - knight - de-cider
30 - dark - Red Minus - redminus
31 - evil - nae:the cleaver assassin - hound-of-soundwave
32 - light - Nina - Batto
33 - light - 33 - CypressDahlia
34 - light - Octopussy - redminus
35 - dark - Sai ninja - Nekow
36 - neutral - native tomahawk warrior - Sabtastic
37 - evil - Miss love - bizarrojoe / legolaSS
38 - dark - crowguard - J-qb
39 - dark - Mr. Chain - b0em
40 - dark - troll key chain - FATSHARK
41 - fab - hammer-head - Snowman
42 - dark - Meiow - LegolaSS
43 - fab - (n/a) - redminus
44 - evil - knight - denzel-crocker
45 - evil - Tod Schnitter - dasAoD / Angelus-Mortis
46 - evil - dad - Decoy71
47 - light - Gina - XxCrazydudexX
48 - light - Ganondorf - Angelus-mortis
49 - neutral - Elven archer - legolass
50 - fab - ninjar - CypressDahlia
51 - fab - posessed toothy penishands space worm - sucho
52 - evil - dad - Angelus-Mortis
53 - dark - Overlord Berserker - Angelus-Mortis
54 - neutral - saw shark - Hoboweasel
55 - light - Orange Castle Crasher - Decoy71
56 - neutral - The Gölden Pillager - TheRealShadman
57 - dark - Tits McGee - de-cider
58 - fab - Spartan - Batto
59 - fab - shiney buff god-person - beastkid7
60 - neutral - tom fulp - hyperJive
Levels completed / Total levels
60 / / 60 ((100%!!!)
Easter EGGS - 15/15
Breaktroll - 3
J-qb - 13
Keanoo - 15
XxCrazydudexX - 18
Rhunyc - 26
Kirkeyressa - 30
LinaInverseFan -32
pickletoez- 32
KamikazePanda - 33
legolass - 34
denzel-crocker - 47
beastkid7 - 51
faceofdoomness - 53
hound-of-soundwave - 54
XxCrazydudexX - 56