NOW: Drawing and Painting

Age 36, Male


West mids / UK

Joined on 5/29/05

Exp Points:
63,016 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.04 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
12y 2m 3d


which medals do you still need for seed of destruction?
i might be able to help (also still need 2 medals (pancake + illiterate) on it, but the only one that seems pretty impossible is the 100 pancake score)

the pancake one and illiterate one... the illiterate one is bugged and the pancake one seems to be possible... athough no one who has it has yet to say how they did it... at the moment im still weary of how they got it... Ciao

I wish you luck on your journe and cool off man your going to go fucking insane.

to late man!.... im already insane!!!

GAHHHH!!!! *explodes*

damn i have like 92 achievements and i didnt get my medal : /

strange... you might not have the updated version... play it again and see if it works... otherwise get all 100 then restart it and get 75... that should work... Ciao

I enjoyed being ahead of you on the medal points for that very short time. I swear i'll pass you again one day.

most likey look forward to it.... means i can catch back up again :3...
nearly finished with sonny 2... doing it all in one run... *with help from a walkthrough*... TBC RPG arnt really my strong point :)... Ciao



i love it its awesome i collect the space marines to but there no way as good as this!!

thats most likey beacuse iv been doing it alot longer then you :3

=O thats a really cool figure! how big is it? can i get one? nice paint job, especially if its tiny

its a model from Games workshop... its a space marine commander... i have alot more painted like this including a dreadnought (like a big mech)... each one takes 4-5 hours to paint beacuse i do them rather detailed... still isnt as good as i would have liked though... i need to put something next to them to show scale... :P... i put it inside a tin lid and took a picture... you can see the dust particals on the base :3

Mother fucking Space Marines for the win!!


im a deamon player myself... i just wanted to paint up some marines beacuse i like the colour blue... :3... its a nice change from all the fire and warped bodies i normaly paint...

warhammer is the best tabletop game ever..period btw there makeing a blood game for pc,xbob,ps3 :D

blood?... as in the anime "blood" / turned into a most likey lame ass movie about the same thing but no where near as good?...

also warhammer is ok... i played with over 170,000 points at my local game club... we broke the world record... how ever it wasnt much fun to play.. game turns were limited to 15 mins per phase... i only brought up 5k+ to play with... deamons suck in such a big game... im currently enjoying painting and remodling anima tatics models... :3

i almost got into a game where you had to panit figures and vehicals and use them in war dont know hwat its called but nicely done

thers lots of systems... so i dont know which one.. void?... 40k?... battle tech!?... who knows... but yeah, iv been doing it for a bit now and i would say im getting alot better... athough im not at the standard i want to be :(

Warhammer and anime? Huh...

nothing wrong with it is there?... i enoying painted warhammer / models and drawing doodles and stuff... some might say im good at it :P...

That Spacemarine looks great! i was always fascintaed about much detail goes into painting those small figures. i used to paint Warhammer figures but i dont think i would of been able to do all the detail like you did. how long did it take you?

iv painted nearly every model from every type of table top game... :3
that one took 4-5 hours to do... i currently have a handfull painted up in the same quality... currently working on a dreadnaught to go with them... but thats taking forever :S

Your west midlands! I'm at wolves uni in 6 weeks. Huzzah!

WOAH which one?... the one in the city center or the one over in telford?... you gota let me know your only 30 mins drive away from me either way :P

oh hi your one of my fav authors i came by to say hi srry gotta go!

why thank you... i dont think anyone has said that before :P... so hello :3

Awesome Ultramarine!
Albeit i´m a Tyranid/Black Templar player, it´s a very impressive paintjob...

Im trying to get the time to make up a small 1k force of them... at the moment im busy with newgrounds and other things... :S... thanks for the comment :3

I'm on North Road Campus, which is the Wolves City campus I believe! Right near the Wolves football ground.

TurkeyonaStick is gonna pop down on occasion to see me no doubt. We'll need to arrange a Mini Unofficial West Midlands NG Art Forum Meet. :3

turkeyonastick is in the westmids as well!?... wow!... hope you do... il be able to drive over to you its only a 30 min drive... and i know where it is... its the most uglyest building in the world... and its right next to the crossroads and city center... the football ground is just across the street... so yeah.... il be more then happy to pop down :D

Nice Art

why thanks... athough theres alot better art in the portal then mine :S

Am I a cool user to you?

seen as i have never looked at your userpage before now... most likey not... cool users list is very short because it hasnt been worked on very much... mabey in the future you will be... :3

sweet space marine, I wish i could paint half as good as that, although i dont like the Ultramarines

im currently working on a small force around 1500 points worth... and they all will be painted like that or better... i only started ultra's beacuse i had some around... im a deamon player / elf player at heart... and have 8k deamons easy... my painting has improved alot and im currently working on some pro painted models :3

WARHAMMER !!fawoihfowia

yes... indeed it is... well done :P

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