
43 Game Reviews

13 w/ Responses

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the art work was good, i how ever felt it was more of a choose a suit game rather then a "dress up" you were unable to choose different bits to create your own... the art work was fantastic and really kept it in the 5+ stars, the animation of the transporter gave it an added touch but soon got rather repeataive, i would have liked to have seen more and felt let down that it was just a click and view rather then a click-n-drag, how to make it better?... more outfits and a abiltiy to combind them together rather then just a single drawing... i felt it was just a eye candy game for furry fans more then a dress up. i managed to find the secret quickly due to tab and proved my point further... but thats what i think... make it more challenging to find secrets/ have more of a "game" to find secrets... some animation? its really down to personal preference... at the end of the day if this is what you wanted... well how can i argue?... anway... chow


Great game!

Loved the simple fun... enjoyable and challanging game!

it was well ballanced and thought out... a few minor bugs such as animations not disapering "like bubbles and heads ¬¬"

gameplay wise no real bugs to report... how ever i found waldofs "LAZOR BEAM!" attack hard to get out of and get hit the full three times if i got hit by it...

the game is great and worth playing to the end!

10/10 stars my friend!

-legolaSS [NitroKitten]

PS-"check out the "paint the town red" NG tank!" or if its not on the game anymore check out my userpage!"


Rework the game!

I liked your first one... however not much has channged this this one...

i am finding the game "unplayable"... as when i finish missions i am left with no one to fight and the game doesnt send any more nor finishes the level... "this is on the first level on the slightly harder setting then easy"... the gameplay is poor beacuse you can not mearly slash and shoot and play... you have to mash the keyboard untill they die and then turn around and do it again... mashing the shoot button for the "explosive" ones, the attack button for the "normal" guys and the rage button for the "blade" deamons... i loved the artwork/manga strips at the start of each one but that was it... the game doesnt understand how to save your data as it keeps playing up and doesnt keep your upgrades saved... the gameplay starts weird when you "retry" after dying and you must attack to be seen... the movement is sometime buggy, the 2nd boss has waaaay to much hp you need to spend a good 3-5 mins bashing the Shoot button to get anywhere... the game is not enjoyable... it mearly is there to hurt your hands. i understand you wanted a game which was hard... well this isnt hard... you just bash the same key over and over and over again... it just drags due to over hp'd units which have no real AI, i liked it when you got to go places and it wasnt the same area but please understand to make a game enjoyable it must be playable!.

i know i havent gotten that far in the game... thats beacuse its just not fun... mashing the same key for a long time or trying to find out how to play around the bugs/glitches/problems in game... you should really go over your coding and revamp it and get some people to play test it properly, i know i am not the only one finding this game just... stupid... to put it straight forward... i know you have spent alot of time on this and i understand that... but i would have liked to seen more then just a copy of the first one but changed in places...



A few map glitches...

it would of been nice if there was a restart button so i could restart from the start or reset everything without having to die or restart the game... for example, on the forklift map, i managed to get the key out but i got stuck in the red metal frame to the right and was unable to move, also on the level with all the switches to make the frames longer i got the key in the same spot as the switch and was then unable to pick it up... i also found like as CiTriNatE stated the "a" and "s" arent great as you press one instead of the other and fall to your death/get burnt/die and is slighty fustraiting been unable to change it... PS: i also got the "bat lover" award even though i went round killing them!?!?.. but i dont mind ^^

anway the game itself was fun to play, simple and fun yet hard at times, the medals have different levels of hardness from easy (shut up max) to (drunken deity) but all achivable.

apart from the slight glitches and map problems i found it enjoyable and woth playing.

loved the music, loved the idea, loved the simple gameplay without over complex movement. think you should explain that you can carry the moltys on the red girder beacuse i tried with the boxes the first time >.<

but thats what i think... chow

-LegolaSS [Nitrokitty]

a quick time waster

wasnt great, started of good the effects worked, but later on when the speed increased i couldnt tell what the hell they where or which way there was facing also the speed was so quick i couldnt move the blocks beacuse the button speed stayed the same... i got a score of 406000 on my first try, with the ending speed at 3588... the things you should change, A; when the speed increases... you should also increase the reaction time of the blocks, B; make a effect box, you had plently of space on the flash, so you could trigger effects on or off...
also looking at reviews about this, make it clear like "Paused, click to start".. just thought it might help out if you were to try somthing like this again... chow
-LegolaSS- -{Nitro Kitty}-

Loved it

Graphics - wasnt bad, it worked, could of been better
Style - great
Sound- good looping music and sound effects
violence - a bit
Interactivity - great
Humor - i found it great fun

Ups - I loved it, keeps making me laugh everytime you fall to your death, loved the rocking squirl...

Downs - Cant skip the "how to play things" and the "getting A" was a tad of a let down, mabey somthing to unlock like different costumes or colours...

RIP Squirly... may you rock on!

-LegolaSS- =[Nitrokitty]=

Did not like

I did not like this for the following reasons:
repeating song *i know you can remove it*
stupid questions "like the ? or ? or ? or ? one"
no checkpoints...

i managed to get up to 82 before screaming at having to start again...

for all you lazy people who cant be bothered to work it out or are not mentaly able to do the tasks... here are the answers

1: Four
2: no, but a tin can
3: K.O
4: *click on "the Answer"* (note this is not a option box)
5: move the mouse out of the screen to the right and around.
6: Shallots ((root of an onion))
7: An elephant ((yes i know it was stupid))
8: *a bit under then SE in search*
9: *that one* (aka the top right)
10: the teeth
11: n ((no idea why))
12: the dot in "i"
13: F'Taang
14: Torch
15: "spell out horse on the screen"
16: H
17: 17 (... look top left)
18: the hammer
19: ok... for all you silly people who couldnt work it out... it says BOGGY - so... B-lue O-range G-reen G-reen Y-ellow
20: Seal!
21: the green one (aka top left)
22: +1 skip
23: Bran
24: "click the "v" in lives"... well... do it!!!
25: Shoe pollish... wtf?
26: arsefacey
27: go to 28... duh
28: hehe A-Bun-Dance
29: Egg mayonnaise ((wtf?... that doesnt make sence))#
30: not going to explain
31: ... woof... woof.. woof...
32: babysham and human faeces *no comment*
33: 7.... aparently
34: move your mouse of the screen
35: and wait.....
36: a walk (oh.. ha ha... ¬¬)
37: pick any one
38: mary rose.... well what would you do!
39: cylindrical adventures... righttttt
40: *right click and move*
41: um... click the "afro"... no idea why
42: the 42md 42's *the one to the right off the bottom left*
43: Tom Cruise
44: *do the puzzel and click the spot*
45: the top right one
47:... right click.... did that help a bit?
48:Snaaaaaaaake... ooooo its a snake.... *badger badger badger*
49: Splapp-me-do
50:.... o.k.
51: click lots... watch them die!
52: the 3rd one along *from left to right*
53: um... but pa might not
54: about 20cm of the ground.... aparently
55: a games console for biscits...
56: *right click helps* blue, red, blue, yellow
57: i can only see one... urm... one?
58: shepherds pie.... blood isnt a food ¬¬
59: click on the black head as fast as your little fingers can!
60: Of course you didnt!!!!
61: type it in msn... thumbs up ^^
62: replace the "th" with a S ((click the moss))
63: tasteless white filth.... couldnt be more right.
64: Egg>28
65: *click the word largest*
66: click the "!" at the end of the world
67: basicly what it is.... a big hairy arse-on-1st
68: stroke that pussy... cat
69: hehe 69....
70: its anus?... what kinda dogs do you know?
71: click the green one!
72: a bit under the number 72 is a black switch... OMG WHAT IS THAT!
73: top right
74: no one knows....
75: *just under the numbers will be a button saying ESCAPE!*
76: Sugar... do dodo do do doo doo.. ahuuu honey honey....
77: Question 77....
78: first question... FOUR!
79: i have yet to work this out... "skip"
80: Fithly romanians
81: ok... quickly move your mouse up *of the the screen* and back to the middle as fast as you can.... *FLASH!*
82: Clip the toenails!!!.. BUT YOU CANT CLIP THAT LAST ONE *throws mouse down in fustration as he has to get to the same point all over again because the bomb exploded*

i hope this has inlighted thouse who are unable to live without walk throughs... and though who agree with my earlier comments...

overall... it was a fursitating game with stupid questions in with some brain teasters.... 2/5.

Graphics where good in places but rather poor over all
Style has been used over and over again
Sound was anyoing so i turned it off but i came back on every time you failed
not much violence as bombs exploiding and some fighting go
good interactivity
not very funny
Overall a 4

thank you for your time

=LegolaSS - Nitrokitty=

"ps: i would also like to point out i have used up all the word limit so i am unable to tell you the secret easter egg.... so you will have to find it out yourself!"

a few problems

first of all the game lay out is nice, the intro and all was well made, the problem lies within the game its self... many a times playing this did i find myself getting furtrated with how stupid the robots where, where they could not fire at close range but you crash into the enemy and just get shoot... and later on the "healing" robot(s)would just wonder away from the robot that required healing and into the direct fire of some lazers... ¬¬...
graphics were not spectactliar, nice backgrounds, style wasnt great but it will do, the sound was repeated to keep the file size down which is fine... violence?... well retared robots shooting isnt particulary blood thirsty... basicly no interactivity within the "game", more of a *create robot and pray that it lives*... which given the A.I of the robots you need to pray really hard... no humor... if i could give minus i would, it was not funny having to work up to get 10000 or so credits so you could try another lucky shot at trying to kill the lazers... mabey i just had a back combination but i tried a few... in the end i got furstraied and bored...

over all... good idea... just requires some more "hands on play"

legolaSS - NitroKitty

A few problems..

first of all people are submiting images and ebay actions which are inaproprate, second of all, there is no civalised way of writing somthing beacuse people are "stealing" words, drawing pictures, messing around and havent read the information and creates a bad working atmosphere... nice idea... shame about the people who "play" it.

Kipperoo responds:

Hm, sounds like I need to grow it a bit so there's more room. I'll do that -- and I'm also making a personal space plugin so you can work with your stuff undisturbed.

intressting game

i managed to complete all 30 levels, some i found easyer then other but all in all it was a fun game, some levels i thought where impossible but after leaving it for a few mins and coming back i found the anwser easly, its a very simple and straight forward game... although i dont understand how this works out your IQ like you stated, but anyway nice work... chow...
LegolaSS -NitroKitty-

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